Terms of Reference for the organization of Side-events
1. Organizers: The Conference is open for the organization of Side-events. Side-events may be organized by all interested parties: UN agencies, international, national government and non-governmental organizations, financial institutions, academia, private sector, civil society organizations and others.
2. Subject: Subject of the Side-events should comply with overall thematic sessions of the High-Level Conference on International Year of Glacier Preservation and/or be related to climate impacts on glacier dynamics, indigenous knowledge for glacier management, financing for glacier preservation initiatives, resilience strategies for glacier-dependent communities, water management and transboundary cooperation.
3. Timeframes: Side-events will be held on May 29th, with available time slots from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
4. Contacts: Parties interested in organizing a Side-event during the conference are requested to complete the online registration form provided below. For all other queries regarding Side-events, please contact Ms. Zebuniso Muminzoda, the Side-event Coordinator, via email at muminzade.zebo@gmail.com or by telephone at +992 93 040 22 26.
II. The Secretariat of the Conference
5. The Secretariat shall render the following assistance to interested parties in the organization of Side-events:
- Assist participants of Side-events in obtaining VISAs;
- Arrange pick-up and drop-off services to the participants of the Side-events between the airport and their hotels;
- Arrange transportation to the participants of Side-events between their hotels and the conference venue;
- Invite participants of Side-events to the reception organized by the Government of Tajikistan.
III. Organizers of the Side-events
6. Organizers of the Side-events are responsible for arranging the following:
- Develop the program of their respective Side-events in compliance with priority themes of the conference within indicated timeframes;
- Invite and ensure participation of key speakers and other participants of their Side-events;
- Arrange room to conduct Side-events in the aforementioned timeframes;
- Arrange simultaneous translation of the Side-event for participants, including interpreters and the required translation equipment;
- Arrange equipment for PowerPoint presentations;
- Summarize the results of the Side-event and provide a brief report to the Secretariat;
- Cover all other expenses related to arranging the Side-events, apart from the assistance provided by the Secretariat mentioned in point 5 of this guideline.